Prayer Meetings
In the New Testament, Christians regularly gathered for prayer and when prayer is mentioned, it consistently involves others. Open Door Baptist Church regularly gathers in prayer followed by bible study on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. We also have a ladies' prayer group which meets at 11:30 AM on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Come join us!

Drive Thru Prayer
Open Door Baptist Church loves our neighbors, so we want to pray with our neighbors. If you've got 30 seconds, pull through our parking lot and we will pray at your window. If you've got 5 minutes, pull into a parking lot and we will gladly lift up your concerns to the God Who hears and answers prayer!
Open Door Baptist Church loves our neighbors, so we want to pray with our neighbors. If you've got 30 seconds, pull through our parking lot and we will pray at your window. If you've got 5 minutes, pull into a parking lot and we will gladly lift up your concerns to the God Who hears and answers prayer!
Pray & Go!
We know that our church address is not an accident. God put us right here for a reason. Pray & Go is a simple method of moving through a neighborhood and lifting up each household before the Lord in prayer. We go out into our community and ask God to do the miraculous!
Get GOING for more information.
Get GOING for more information.
How can we pray for you?
If you would like Open Door Baptist Church's prayer network to pray for you, please feel free to either send an email to Prayer@OpenDoor-MHC.org or fill out the form below.